Ori grew up within the mountains of Aldenard, just upon the outskirts of Ala Mhigo. He lived a modest but kind life, having spent his growing days scaling the mountains and taking notes in the art of spagyrics from his mother, who would take patients from the townsfolk further down the mountainside. These experiences inspired him to become a doctor, and he found great joy in helping others.

Those aspirations were all but forgotten during the invasion of the Empire, around his 15th summer. Ori's father was soon dragged off to join the fray, never to be heard from again. His mother would spend the rest of her years in grief and plotting revenge. Slipping home brewed poisons into the rations of the Garleans who made themselves familiar within their home, she paid the ultimate price for her actions, leaving Ori to further atone in her stead.

Heartbroken, alone, and yet determined to see their wishes come true, Ori took it upon himself to see that their home be saved from the hands of the Empire. Eventually caught in his acts of rebellion and taken prisoner within Garlemald, Ori spent countless years fighting back against his treatment. Despite the trauma hes come to endure, his spirit never waveredβ€”finding hope in liberation and the dawn of a better future.


Thanks to Radovan and the commotion he caused trying to escape the gaols, Ori was able to join he and Sophie in escaping to Gridania. He recouperated with them for a time, and through them, met Thancred. The two trained under Radovan in the way of the Gunbreaker, until it came time to depart and Ori would set his sights right back to the Garlean-overrun captial of Ala Mhigo. He joined the Reistance in earnest, reuniting with Thancred and his friends when their attention turns to the war effort.

Oris rides along with each victory and loss that they endure, all in hopes of regaining his country, until his prayers are answered and Ala Mhigo is freed from the claws of the Empire. Nevertheless, victory is shortlived as other threats quickly give way to them, and he does not hesitate as he throws himself into the fray once more.

Along with Thancred, Ori is called by a voice and is swept away to the First midst the battlefield.


Having found himself in Amh Araeng, Ori took quickly to the daily lives of those who took care at the Inn at Journey's Head. He held great concern over the patients there, and tried his best to understand the local plant and wildlife, in so that he may be able to figure out some type of medicine that may slow the turning process.

Having done as much as he could, his attention eventually moved toward the Crystarium, where heβ€”to his surpriseβ€”reunited with Thancred once again, and met with the Exarch. The two tanks agree to work together in the years spent before the rest of the Scions are called onto the First, and in that time, Ori hones his skills in wielding the Gunblade, officially putting down his sword and shield in favor of the weapon.

In some three odd years, other Scions find themselves within Novrandt, until the WoL arrives and the group are all called together. Ori puts his hand in to their efforts of seeing this shard be saved from the light.

All seemed to be going apace until events in Rak'tika urged the Scions to call on Emet-Selch for help. While the rest of the group rushed to Y'shtola's side, the Ascian calls for Ori's attention.

Away from prying eyes, Emet places a single finger upon Ori's temple, drawing forth a curious lightβ€”so intense and overwhelming with memories, both unknown and yet familiar to him, that he faints almost immediately. The two are taken into a portal, and Ori goes missing with none the wiser save the man who did it.

Where Ori travels, he is unsure... as he wakes, it isn't even Orisis himself that controls his body. It finds itself within the depths of a city found at sea, and as if another has taken over, it walks through its streets and halls with familiarity and a sense of duty to protect it.

The scions are acutely aware of Ori's absence, but with no leads to trace, they continued forward.

It is not until the Scions find their way through Emet-Selch's memories of the Sundering that they run into a figure that seems to resemble their lost friend. It declares itself the name Mikael, and goes on the attack in one last attempt at protecting Amaurot's citizens of the Final Days.

Mikael retreats just moments before defeat, and many are sure that the figure is Orisis. But there are more pressing matters at hand, and the group tucks away their thoughts as they turned to confront Hades in a decisive battle for all of Novrandt.

Unable to trace their friend's whereabouts in the aftermath, the group pressed on, having decided to tackle the delimma of returning home to the Source, and figuring out how to deal with the last of the unsundered, Elidibus.

A trip back to Amaurot and access to Anamnesis Anyder not only reveals the true identity of Elidibus, but of Mikael as well... an Amaurotine who gave himself away to the experimentation of creation magic, the appointed Archangel acted as a guardian to Amaurot, and died protecting it in its last moments. Reborn as their friend Orisis, Emet had reawakened those memories in him, causing the party to defeat the angel once more before calling out to Ori in an attempt to bring him back to reality.

While sucessful and Ori had come back to consiousness, he could not shake the feeling that he may drown again in his own memories and lose control.

As the group travels back home to the Source, Ori is asked to help Bozja in their war effort, to which he accepts. It is through Mikoto, Misija, and events of the weapons project in Werylt that he comes to learn about White Auracite and its synthetic counterparts.

It comes to his attention that, possibly, he could create or siphon his memories into an auracite, in so that he may no longer risk the chance of losing himself, as well as possibly use Mikael's power the same way Misija has been able to with the Queen Gunnhildr.

He works together with Mikoto and Cid on a side project which may allow him to do so, hoping that these new, old-found memories and power may help them in the future.

PREARR-STB. Ori trained in tanking while within Garlemald and conscripted into their army. Ironically to the Empire, he continues to use this class after escaping to fight against them.

SHB and his main class. Despite being taught by Radovan the same time as Thancred, Ori does not hone his skills with the weapon until the two reunite in Novrandt. He grows to love the rush of fighting with gunblades, and eventually puts down his shield in favor of them.

SHB. His involvement with the Virtue Hunters leads him to learn more of the former Warriors of Light, and of Ardbert. Orisis picks up the axe in honor of the man he's come to admire.

SHB. Oris comes to take on the mantle of dark knight soon after regaining his memories as an ancient. However, he does not use black mana.. instead, his blade is imbued by the white mana blessed to him through his auracite.

SHB. Another class he remembers through his past life. The power given to him through his auracite moreso goes into his abilities as sage, and his nouliths remind him of his wings.

PreARR-Now. Orisis has a bit of a brain for spagyrics, influenced by his mother. He hones this particular skill of his and continues it into his adult years.

glam refsheets.

The Scion he trusts the most, the two have known each other since ARR. They flow into a natural rhythm together in battle, and have worked together in the years prior to WOL landing in Novrandt.

The three of them, together, made a break for it to Gridania. He sees his parents in the two, just a bit. Radovan mentors both Thancred and Ori around the same time in the way of the Gunbreaker, though Ori does not officially pick it up until some time later.

Ori sympathizes strongly with the two girls and their struggles with identity. He sees them as his nieces (Thancred's their father, of course) and supports them wholeheartedly in whatever they choose to do.

With similar experiences, Orisis sees himself in Granson, and tries to help him understand what it is he should really be doing. Having grown close, Orisis can sometimes be seen accompanying him on the First.

Ori ran into a lost hunter from the source during his time in Norvrandt, eventually finding out he was part of the Scions. The two quickly hit it off, finding familiarity in each other on an unfamiliar star. Ori passes on his knowledge of sword and shield fighting to A'vett; and it was A'vett that was able to return Ori to himself after the events of Anyder.

Ori's closest friend and occasional cotank. Ori helped him back on his feet when he needed it most. They share common ground, and always have each other's backs.

The WoL in one of Ori's canons. After rescuing him from the hands of Zenos, the two grow close. Ori accompanies Mikh'a around Eorzea as he recuperates in the aftermath of the Royal Menagerie.

An FC he is unofficially a member of. He is acquaintances with many of its members.


Full NameOrisis "James" Kirigumi
NicknamesOri, Oris, Reese
AgeLate 20s
BirthplaceAla Mhigo
DeityRhalgr, the Destroyer
GenderMale (He/Him, They/Them)
Nameday15th Sun, 3rd Umbral Moon (6/14)
Voice ClaimKaito Ishikawa

MountWar Tiger
MinionWeatherproof Gaelicat
SongDear God - Phantogram

Orisis is a very reserved man, and such demeanor is often misinterpreted as broodiness or intimidation. Ori is simply rather quiet, and chooses not to readily socialize with others. His time spent within Garlemald warped his personality and perspective of the life hes lived, from a bright, optimistic love for the world to that of a man filled with trauma, grief, and a realistic outlook for what it truly is.

Despite knowing and having experienced these harsh realities, Ori is not quick to lose hopeβ€”willingly throwing himself into the fray for the dream of a better future. While he does not readily express it, Orisis is a passionate, devout man when it comes to his friends, family, and sense of justice, willingly helping others for the good of all. While he can be blunt on occasion and is a man of few words, one could easily understand his true intent and emotions with one look of his eyes.

Described by a friend, Ori "Has kind, sad eyes and a gentle soul." He is incredibly kind, considerate, and down to earth, regardless of how often he may choose to interact with others. He reliable and is quick to accept when asked for help, always going the extra mile when doing so. He has a way of easing a person's fears, and is easily someone to count on in times of trouble.


β™‘ Ori is an ISTJ.

β™‘ He wears a ring on a chain around his neck, often hidden under his clothes. This crown-shaped ring is a family heirloom and functions as a wedding ring.

β™‘ He has several large, gash-like scars all over his body due to harsh practices in Garlemald. They give his parts of his body such as his back, thighs, hands, and neck a striped, tiger-like appearance.

β™‘ He has features and patterns based on bengal cats/tigers, as well as servals.

β™‘ His interest in flora and fauna has never wavered, and he has a habit of wandering to observe the local plants and wildlife.

β™‘ His amaurotine self was named Mikael. He did not have a name or role traditional of others, but he paid no mind.

β™‘ Mikael also possessed wings, covered in white shining feathers, that help him to fullfil his duties.

β™‘ He is multicanon! <3

β™‘ Yes he has booba-



Mikael was an amaurotine unlike the others that dwelled within Amaurot. Giving his body and soul into the research of creation magic, he was given wings and deemed the title of "Archangel," the first of very few who would soon follow him.

The strength of his magic and physical prowess made him the perfect candidate to guard the city and its people from danger. He was lead of many groups that would serve to protect the safety and order of the streets of Amaurot.

Serving under a particular researcher, he was also tasked with overseeing subjects created through magic, including himself. If any were to go berserk, with no chance of salvation, he would answer to end their suffering.

As buildings fell and the skyline bloomed red in flames, it was Mikael who stood tall in the face of fate, standing guard over the city and its people as the Final Days marked their end. As his soul returned to the lifestream, its memories of tragedy lay forgotten in the warmth and love of a couple in Aldenard...